Bio identical Hormone therapy Albany, OR - Renewal Hormone Clinic

Introduction to Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. As we age, hormone levels can become imbalanced, leading to undesirable symptoms. Replacing these hormones at optimal levels can provide relief from symptoms and improve quality of life.

At Renewal Hormone Clinic in Albany, we specialize in customized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). We help patients restore optimal hormone balance by prescribing plant-based hormones that are molecularly identical to human hormones. This approach is safe, effective, and tailored specifically to your needs.

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones originate from plant sources and are structurally identical to hormones produced naturally by the human body. This allows them to bind perfectly to hormone receptors and mimic the function of natural hormones.

Some examples of bioidentical hormones include:

Our services

Why Choose Bioidentical Over Synthetic Hormones?

There are significant advantages to using bioidentical over synthetic hormone replacements:

Our Bioidentical HRT Specialists

At Renewal Hormone Clinic, our certified specialists have advanced training from the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. We stay current on the latest medical research to provide you with the most effective, up-to-date hormonal therapies.

Our goal is to help you achieve optimal hormone balance so you can feel your best at any age. We take the time to listen and address your individual needs with a personalized treatment plan.

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Balancing hormones with bioidenticals offers a wide range of benefits:

Relief of Unpleasant Menopause Symptoms

Fluctuating hormones during perimenopause and menopause can trigger symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, trouble sleeping, and mood changes. Studies show hormone therapy with bioidentical estradiol and progesterone helps alleviate these symptoms so you can get relief.

Reduced Menopause Symptoms

Clinical trials found that bioidentical estrogen and progesterone therapy decreased hot flashes by 90% for many women. Most participants also reported improved sleep quality, mood, sexual health, and quality of life.

Reduce Risk of Osteoporosis

Estrogen plays an important protective role in bone health. During menopause, plummeting estrogen levels lead to accelerated bone loss. Several studies have shown bioidentical estrogen therapy helps preserve bone mineral density better than no treatment at all.

Maintenance of Bone Density

Multiple studies found hormone therapy with bioidentical estrogen prevented bone loss at the spine, hip, and femoral neck compared to untreated menopausal women who experienced deterioration of bone density.

Improve Skin Thickness, Elasticity & Moisture

Estrogen and testosterone influence skin collagen content, secretion of skin oils, skin cell regeneration. Bioidentical hormone restoration with estrogen, testosterone, and/or DHEA has been shown to:

Balancing your hormones with bioidentical hormones helps you maintain a vibrant, youthful glow.

Support Cardiovascular Health

There has been concern over synthetic hormones increasing the risk of heart disease. However, studies show that bioidentical estrogen and progesterone do NOT adversely affect blood pressure, cholesterol levels, vascular function, or cardiovascular risk compared to synthetic hormone replacement therapy. There is also evidence natural progesterone protects against atherosclerosis and blood clots.

Reduce Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

While fluctuating hormones during menopause can disrupt insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis, studies show balancing hormones with bioidentical estrogen helps stabilize blood sugar and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Improve Libido and Sexual Function

Low testosterone significantly reduces libido and sexual performance in both men and women. Correcting low testosterone levels with bioidentical testosterone replacement restores healthy libido, sexual desire and erectile function for both sexes. Balancing estrogen and testosterone is key for supporting optimal sexual health.

Elevate Mood, Energy & Cognitive Performance

Hormonal changes can trigger anxiety, depression, trouble focusing, mental fog, and fatigue. Multiple studies have found bioidentical hormone replacement, including testosterone, DHEA, estrogen, and progesterone alleviates these issues and elevates mood, energy, concentration, memory and overall cognitive function.

Achieve Optimal Health & Slow Aging

Balancing your hormones to optimal levels with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy helps minimize age-related declines in physical and mental performance - allowing you maintain your health, independence and quality of life as you transition through menopause and andropause.

In summary, BHRT offers a wide range of benefits for both men and women struggling with hormonal deficiencies.

Take control of your hormone health today!

Diagnosing Hormonal Imbalances

In order to determine if your symptoms may be related to hormonal imbalances, we recommend getting certain hormone tests done.

Based on your symptoms and test results, our hormone specialists can make accurate diagnoses about any hormone deficiencies or excesses contributing to your issues.

We may check levels of the following hormones using blood tests, saliva tests or urine tests:

Key Hormones We Test

- Estradiol - the main estrogen hormone - Progesterone - regulates the menstrual cycle - Testosterone - the primary androgen hormone - DHEA - precursor to testosterone & estrogen - T3 & T4 - thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism - FSH & LH - reproductive hormones that regulate ovulation and testosterone

Diagnostic Assessments

We also perform additional diagnostic assessments to evaluate your risk for: - Osteoporosis: DXA bone density test - Cardiovascular disease: Heart assessment / blood pressure monitoring - Diabetes: Fasting glucose & HbA1c blood tests - Anemia: Full blood count test - Adrenal function: Salivary cortisol tests

Customized Protocols for Balancing Hormones

Every patient has a unique hormone profile and set of needs. At Renewal Hormone Clinic, we specialize in customized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy protocols tailored to your:

We take the time to listen to your needs and fine-tune your plan so you can achieve optimal hormone balance and relief from deficiencies.

Multi-Faceted, Integrative Approach

Every bioidentical hormone protocol includes:

We also incorporate complementary naturopathic therapies like acupuncture, herbal remedies, and IV therapies to target your symptoms and support healing on multiple levels.

Starting Your Custom Protocol

When beginning bioidentical hormone replacement, we start with the lowest effective dose and taper up gradually as needed to meet treatment goals while avoiding side effects. We carefully monitor your progress through follow up appointments and lab testing to ensure your hormone dosing is optimized.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. However, some women report preferring them because they more closely mimic the body's natural hormones. The risks and benefits of both types require more research.

Importance of Timely Treatment

If you are experiencing multiple symptoms of hormone imbalance, we strongly advise getting your hormone levels checked and pursuing treatment if deficiencies are found through testing.

Leaving hormone imbalances uncorrected over many years can negatively impact your health. Symptoms tend to gradually worsen, new deficiencies may develop, and loss of bone density, muscle mass have irreversible impacts over time. Treatments also become less effective the longer hormone deficiencies persist.

That’s why we urge patients not to delay seeking help if you are experiencing hormone decline. We can check your levels through testing and work to get your hormones re-balanced before long term damage sets in. The sooner treatment is started, the more likely you are reverse symptoms and avoid future complications.

It’s never too late to take charge of your hormonal health. Schedule an assessment at Renewal Hormone Clinic to get tested and start balancing your hormones through expertly tailored bioidentical hormone replacement protocols!

Restore balance and improve quality of life.

Why Albany Locals Trust Renewal Hormone Clinic

Conveniently located in Albany, Renewal Hormone Clinic offers cutting edge bioidentical hormone therapies to help you achieve optimal hormone balance and feel your best.

Highly Trained Specialists

Our specialists complete advanced continuing education through A4M to offer effective, innovative treatment plans based on the latest anti-aging medical research.

Personalized Care

We take time to listen and address all your questions and concerns. We tailor combinations of bioidentical hormones, dosing, delivery methods and accompaniments based on your specific needs and goals.

State-of-the-Art Protocols

We incorporate advanced hormone balancing modalities like pellet implants to minimize treatment burden while stabilizing hormone levels long term.

Integrative & Holistic Approach

In addition to bioidentical hormones, we utilize complementary naturopathic therapies, fitness guidance and nutrition support for comprehensive healing.

Ongoing Optimization & Support

We closely track your hormone levels, symptoms and side effects through follow up visits and testing. We collaborate with you to continually adjust your treatment plan as needed over months and years.

Through our integrative protocols and compassionate care, we have helped thousands of patients balance hormones, resolve deficiency symptoms and enhance wellbeing.

Contact Renewal Hormone Clinic in Albany today to schedule your initial hormone consultation!

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